Taking Next Steps: Imagining What Comes Next

Taking Next Steps: Imagining What Comes Next

When I talk to friends and family members lately, a common question is “How is the book coming?”  I’ve been a bit stuck lately on the book because of my angst about the title, since my working title bombed in the title survey. Because I structured the chapters...
The Author Journey: When Did It Begin

The Author Journey: When Did It Begin

I’ve loved books my whole life, both reading and writing.  I participated in Young Authors’ contests and camps as a child, and majored in creative writing in college. I have stacks of cloth-bound journals in my basement and keepsake boxes with dot-matrix printed poems...
Choose the Best

Choose the Best

A colleague shared a challenge she’s facing: if she prioritizes work, she misses the best hours of the day with her daughter. If she prioritizes time with her daughter and homeschooling, her work-time disappears and she finds herself at the computer late at...
I Cherish The Zeroes

I Cherish The Zeroes

I never get tired of telling the story of how I started my business. I typically start the story in 2001, when my plan after the birth of my first child included a flexible work arrangement that I painstakingly maneuvered at the non-profit where I worked. My plan...
Finding Everyday Ways To Make A Difference

Finding Everyday Ways To Make A Difference

Welcome to my new home online. A few people who know me well, including my husband and my long-term team members, have asked me why I wanted to own this site and what I might blog about here that is different from my work at WeavingInfluence.com. I started the blog at...